Chi siamo

Chi siamo

VISPE Medical Devices is the result of cooperation among multiple professional figures embracing several disciplines related to biomedical environment. Divided into 3 mutually intertwining Macro-Areas, VISPE Medical Devices offers 360° dervices linked to the Consulting, Production and Distribution of medical devices.
- VISPE Medical Devices Consulting supports, with its own competence, experience and reliability, companies that want to create and / or implement Quality Management Systems, Regulatory aspects, Process and Product Validations, Patents and Marketing support material.
- VISPE Medical Devices Distribution deals with the selection and distribution of Medical Devices and in-Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices and is continuously looking for partners interested in embarking on a planned growth path internationally.
- VISPE Medical Devices Manufacturing collaborates with doctors and specialists, promoting research and development of innovative devices meeting the needs of patients and users.
VISPE transforms, models and adapts
itself to customer needs by providing support, guiding and addressing the
various requests. Our enthusiasm and the passion that led us to take this
pathway show us the problems not as such but as opportunities for growth for us
and our customers. We pay attention to details because these make the
difference between a good job and a perfect job.