Nowadays, more than 90% of the value of large companies is made up of so-called intangible assets, in particular patents.
The patents serve to protect knowledge and innovation, thus avoiding giving your knowledge to the competitirs, which is thus free to exploit it without incurring costs. To be defensible, patents must be made by good professionals, enrolled in the order of industrial property consultants, otherwise, they are very easily circumvented and are hardly granted.
A patent confers the following advantages:
- have an exclusive product or service compared to the rest of the market;
- get advertisement, prestige and greater consideration from customers;
- obtain a marketable and rentable asset that economically enhances your company and which, in the case of private individuals, allows you to sell or rent the subject of the patent in exchange for Royalties.
Today the most prestigious brands reach values even close to hundreds of billions of dollars.
This is made possible by the fact that customers recognize the brand by associating it with a product or service and by the fact that the brand represents for them an icon of quality and guarantee, exactly like your name, your face and your voice, they give your loved ones and friends a guarantee of your qualities. All these actions must apply to your products, your technologies, your processes, designs and ideas; they must all be distinguishable, identifiable, protected in the best way and constantly monitored.
Only in this way your products, your technologies will be recognized and will have an added value compared to others. Only in this way every effort in quality will not be repaid only on the sale of the single product, but also in the time and value of your brand.
Today both companies and individuals cannot escape the study of the design of their products making their protection so important, otherwise the advantage that derives will soon be canceled by the competititors.
The protection of design is now easy and advantageous, and also guarantees an adequate area of protection. Just think that the “Industrial property war” of a few years ago between manufacturers of consumer electronics, and in particular smartphones and tablets, began with a dispute about the design registered in Europe about the same tablets and smartphones. Thanks to the protection of design, you can enjoy a 25-year exclusive on your design.
VISPE Medical Devices Consulting, PATENTS, BRANDS & DESIGN section, in collaboration with external experts will deal with:
- Drafting of texts, claims and patent designs following the customer’s indications and descriptions.
- Filing of patents, trademarks and designs in Italy, Europe and internationally.
- Extensions to any country in the world thanks to a network of trusted foreign consultants.
- Exams and prosecutions of Italian, European and International patents and design for countries and institutions that provide for it.
In addition, we offer services of:
- Counterfeiting advice on patents and opinions to verify the interference between a device and a process and a patent, the interference between brands or the presence of factual or unfair competition brands in general and the interference between a model and a registered design.
- Validity consultations to verify the effective validity of a patent possibly accompanied by specific research on the state of the art, a registered trademark with the possibility of accompanying our evaluations with specific market surveys and a registered design, possibly accompanied by specific research on the state of the art.
- Annulment of patents, registered trademarks and designs in particular in the opposition at the European Patent Office, in the Italian courts or in the opposition at the Office for the harmonization of the European Internal Market.
- Counterfeiting cases in Italy and abroad thanks to the collaboration with established lawyers and law firms that act in the courts to obtain the interruption of counterfeiting and compensation following the same counterfeiting.
- Persecution of counterfeiting abroad thanks to close collaborations with foreign correspondents substantially in any nation that can act locally to obtain the interruption of counterfeiting and compensation in the various countries.
- Partial technical advice during legal cases.
- Oppositions of Community, international and other countries’ marks.
- Priority searches to evaluate the pre-existence of identical or similar brands or to cancel competing designs and to execute any opposition, responses to warnings or technical advice of the party in court.
- Surveillance to verify the filing of trademarks, similar or identical to a indicated trademark, by competitors.
- Nominative / sectoral surveillance to verify the filing of designs by specific competitors or in certain sectors.
- Research on the state of the art or “Landscaping” to view the state of the art relating to a specific sector: the main subjects, the main development sectors, the main competitors and their location.
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